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Join/Renew your membership to the Grant PTA! We encourage each and every parent, guardian and faculty member to join the PTA. Have your voice heard, get updates direct from Principal Fuhrer, make friends and play an active role in your kids’ lives!

Each membership is $10 and lasts for the current school year. In order to vote at PTA meetings, you must be a paid member. We look forward to having you join the Grant PTA!

Support our Gecko Nation! PTA donations pay for field trips, classroom supplies, technology and our many wonderful events such as the TK/Kindergarten Playdates, World Cultures Festival, Movie Nights, Fall Festival, Talent Show, STEAM Expo, Math Night and many more!

The recommended donation amount is $500 per student, but no amount is too small – every dollar counts and makes a difference. 

You can also fill out a donation form and bring a check made out to the Grant PTA to:
Grant PTA 2368 Pearl St. Santa Monica, CA 90405

The Santa Monica Education Foundation annual campaign and endowments directly benefit students at every Santa Monica school. Annual donations to the Ed Foundation fund P.S. ARTS, instructional aides and stretch grants. 

The recommended donation amount is $750 per student, but no amount is too small – every dollar counts and makes a difference. 

In addition, Grant students benefit from 5th grade jazz musical theatre dance, supplemental materials, recorders for 3rd graders, music lessons, instruments for qualifying students, and additional library books.



YES, please donate to both! The Ed Foundation and Grant PTA support different things and are critical funding sources that help our school and district.

Donations to the Ed Foundation pay for staff and programs during the school day at all Santa Monica schools. The Ed Foundation is the only organization that can fundraise for these programs. The district made the decision to centralize fundraising for these programs to ensure that every student has equitable access to quality enrichment programs. 

Grant PTA raises funds for supplies, equipment, events and assemblies at our school site. Join the Grant PTA to have a say on how these funds are spent.

2368 Pearl Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405-2899
(310) 450-7684

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Grant Elementary PTA © 2025. All Rights Reserved.